Window and door safety issues

Although PVC windows are generally very safe, over time they begin to show signs of aging. This, in addition to its unsightly appearance or deficiencies in use, can also lead to safety issues. A defective frame or handle, or a corroded lock can make it easier for a thief to force open a window or…

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Although PVC windows are generally very safe, over time they begin to show signs of aging. This, in addition to its unsightly appearance or deficiencies in use, can also lead to safety issues. A defective frame or handle, or a corroded lock can make it easier for a thief to force open a window or door. We recommend that you carry out regular inspections of windows and doors to detect any malfunctions in advance.

Also, another aspect of safety and prevention is to replace the locks when you move to a new property.

If the door is not adjusted with the frame and there is a distance between them, it is easier for an intruder to enter.

If the doors open to the balcony or terrace it is especially important to make sure they are in good condition.

Balcony doors are often the gateway by burglary. Many insurance companies have clauses related to the locks of balcony and terrace doors. Precisely for this reason, if you do not have five-point locks on the terrace doors you will not be able to conclude the insurance or, worse, you may lose any compensation. We can help you with their replacement, so that the most demanding requirements are met.

We can inspect the rollers and parts on the sliding doors to make sure they cannot be easily forced and we can replace or repair them.

For the proper functioning of your double glazing system, PVC windows and carpentry doors must be maintained periodically.